Phile Issue No. 5
Phile Issue No. 5
Phile Magazine, The International Journal of Desire & Curiosity, is a publication which explores sexuality from a sociological point of view, playfully intertwining the formats of an academic journal, an art book and a sex mag. Phile was founded in 2017 by Erin Reznick and Mike Feswick with designers Yuliana Troubetskaia and Tom van Ryzewyk. Throughout its five year run, Phile showcased writing and art from many perverts and contributors from across the globe until its 5th and final issue released in 2021.
The 5th and FINAL issue of PHILE is here. With work from Guillaume Blondiau, Charlie Engman, Alissa Bennett, Anna Uddenberg, Brontez Purnell, Fan Wu, Gideon Jacobs, Tate Bash, & more!
Published by Phile Magazine in 2021
8" x 11", Offset printed, Perfect bound
New York, NY